The new AAC staff site makes the information discovery journeys of staff much faster and easier, allowing advisors to more confidently and accurately provide timely and rapidly-changing information to students. This in turn leads to improved outcomes for academic advising.
Designing the information architecture so that it aligned with the user research was an important part of this re-design. I found that team members and stakeholders had their own ideas about the IA design, so it was critical on my part to continue to advocate for the users. The research data usually prevailed, however, occasionally compromises were made so that the IA also aligned with departmental organization.
Quote from user testing: “I think this is a huge improvement to our old AAC Staff page and I am so thankful for you all. I think this will be a site I actually use rather than just go to for one item (pointing sheets) that I had to bookmark because I couldn't locate it from the homepage before."